The Crypto Tug-of-War: How Bitcoin Shapes Argentina’s Political Landscape


As Argentina gears up for its impending elections, a recent study has added a unique twist to the country’s political narrative. According to research conducted by Synopsis Consultores, commissioned by cryptocurrency financial services firm Bitso, voters of Javier Milei from the La Libertad Avanza party and Sergio Massa from Unión por la Patria are the most invested in cryptocurrencies, in contrast to other political contenders such as Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta from Juntos por el Cambio.

Crypto Sentiments Among Argentine Voters

The survey, carried out from August 19-23 across Argentina, revealed intriguing data. Out of all the respondents, 12% currently hold or have held cryptocurrencies, while 23% expressed interest in acquiring them. Among these crypto-curious voters, it’s Milei’s electorate (45%) and Massa’s supporters (39%) who are most inclined to delve into digital assets.

This predisposition aligns well with Milei’s public stance. An outspoken advocate of Bitcoin, he has often praised the cryptocurrency for its capped supply, contrasting it with Argentina’s Central Bank’s tendencies for arbitrary monetary expansion. Massa’s affinity towards crypto, however, represents a paradox. Although his political faction has occasionally been skeptical of digital currencies, Massa himself has shown eagerness to understand their utility, even facilitating meetings with local crypto experts.

The Young and Educated Lead the Charge

Moreover, the study disclosed an increased interest in cryptocurrencies among younger and more educated voters. A staggering 61% of respondents aged 16 to 29 showed interest in cryptocurrencies, as did 34% of those with tertiary or higher education. Notably, 43% of respondents who have a savings capacity were likewise crypto-enthusiastic.

The Electoral Crypto-Wave

Heading towards the October elections, the study points out that one-fourth of Argentine voters will consider a candidate’s position on cryptocurrencies when casting their vote. This interest is most pronounced among Milei’s voters, with 40% giving importance to this issue, followed by Massa’s electorate at 23%.

Carlos Peralta, Public Policy Senior Expert at Bitso Argentina, highlighted the influence of crypto in the upcoming elections: “Argentina ranks 13th globally for crypto adoption. The study clearly indicates that candidates’ crypto proposals will influence their electoral performance, particularly among younger voters and those with a savings capacity.”

A Sneak Peek into the Crypto Future

The findings underline a broader global trend where younger and more financially savvy voters are aligning their electoral choices with their financial future, mediated by cryptocurrencies. While Argentina might be an early adopter in weaving cryptocurrencies into its political fabric, this could be a precursor to a worldwide phenomenon.

In a country facing economic challenges, where the value of traditional fiat currency is continually questioned, cryptocurrencies are no longer just a financial instrument; they are becoming a political statement. With increasing adoption rates and growing interest among voters, the Argentine elections might just serve as a case study for how crypto can reshape the global political landscape.

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