Fortnite and GTA6 Add Functional Metaverse

The journey from Web2 to Web3, particularly in the development of the metaverse, has been marked by a pattern of gradual evolution rather than sudden innovation. This gradual progression is deeply rooted in the foundations established by Web2 video games, which currently offer environments closely resembling the metaverse concept, more so than any Web3 projects.

This natural evolutionary process in technology depends on two key factors: technological development and the perception of value. A fitting analogy can be drawn with the evolution of Uber from the traditional taxi industry. Taxis laid the groundwork for the idea of paid transportation in a private vehicle, paving the way for Uber’s emergence.

Similarly, the development of the metaverse has been influenced by cultural factors. In addition to technological infrastructure, cultural adoption is crucial for the metaverse to thrive. The renaming of Facebook to Meta in 2021 sparked a surge in interest in metaverse projects, although these projects were still in their infancy.

In today’s world, we are at a pivotal moment in the history of the metaverse. Games like Fortnite have demonstrated the feasibility of creating interoperability between various brands in a fun and engaging manner, though currently achieved through commercial agreements. Fortnite’s latest update is a prime example of this, integrating characters and game modes from diverse franchises and proving the concept of merging different elements in a single virtual environment.

Fortnite serves as a bridge, a Web2.5, to ease the transition to Web3. It has introduced the concept of interoperability to the average user, previously an alien idea. This development lays a stronger foundation for Web3 projects like Sandbox, Otherside, and Star Atlas to build similar interoperability using blockchain technology.

Another significant milestone on the horizon is the potential introduction of a digital economy in Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6), rumored to be based on cryptocurrency. This would be a groundbreaking validation of the Web3-based metaverse concept. Despite digital economies being a familiar concept in Web3, they remain abstract to the general populace.

Moreover, Web2 games have been instrumental in cultivating the concept of digital identity, particularly among younger generations. They have popularized the idea of digital outfits as status symbols, now often valued more than physical clothing.

Just as taxis were a stepping stone to Uber, Web2 games like Fortnite, Roblox, and potentially GTA 6, will serve as crucial bridges to the open metaverse. This transition is unlikely to be spearheaded by Web3 platforms alone, as they often revolve around concepts still foreign to most people. Individuals and brands that invest in or work on these pioneering projects are likely to emerge as frontrunners in the future of marketing, human connections, and digital commerce. The open metaverse is set to play a significant role in shaping our digital future.

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