Global securities body report isn’t a death knell for DeFi

The recent report by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) has stirred discussions in the decentralized finance (DeFi) community, with concerns about its potential impact on the future of DeFi. However, as Apollo Crypto’s analyst Matthew Harcourt suggests, the report’s recommendations may not pose an “existential risk” to DeFi, despite introducing more stringent regulations.

IOSCO’s Recommendations and DeFi’s Response In its December 19 report, IOSCO, which regulates 95% of the global securities market, addressed the unique regulatory challenges posed by DeFi’s anonymous and decentralized nature. The report proposed nine policy recommendations, including identifying “responsible persons” in DeFi and aligning DeFi regulations with those of traditional financial markets. This move has sparked reactions from various stakeholders, with some like Trading Protocol’s Mikko Ohtamaa expressing concerns over the future of DeFi.

However, Matthew Harcourt of Apollo Crypto views the situation differently. He emphasized that IOSCO acknowledges DeFi as “an important, evolving, and expanding technological innovation,” suggesting that the regulatory body does not view DeFi negatively. Apollo Crypto, a Melbourne-based investment fund with significant exposure to DeFi projects, believes that while the recommendations might affect early-stage innovation in DeFi, they do not threaten established protocols.

Impact on Early-Stage Innovation and Privacy The IOSCO report could particularly impact early-stage DeFi initiatives, requiring them to meet more rigorous standards to establish themselves as legitimate businesses. It identifies those with control or “sufficient influence” over DeFi products or services as responsible persons, thereby extending traditional financial regulations to these entities. Furthermore, decentralized autonomous organizations are advised to be regulated like any other financial services firm.

While these recommendations may challenge DeFi’s privacy aspects and early-stage protocols, Harcourt insists that they do not constitute an outright attack on DeFi. He argues that the fundamental benefits of on-chain financial applications should enable DeFi to withstand these regulatory changes.

Future of DeFi Amidst Regulatory Changes The IOSCO’s approach towards DeFi mirrors its stance on the broader crypto market, advocating for digital asset markets to be regulated similarly to traditional finance. This regulatory shift signifies an era where DeFi will need to adapt to coexist with traditional financial regulations.

While the IOSCO recommendations introduce new regulatory challenges for DeFi, they are not necessarily a death knell for the sector. Instead, they represent a phase of evolution where DeFi must balance innovation with compliance, ensuring its survival and growth in a changing financial landscape. As we move forward, the DeFi community will need to navigate these regulations carefully, preserving the ethos of decentralization while fostering a secure and compliant environment for users.

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