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Saylor Advocates Dominant U.S. Bitcoin Reserve Strategy!

Michael Saylor advocates U.S. Bitcoin Reserve Strategy. Co-founder and executive chairman of MicroStrategy, voiced a bold assertion at the Bitcoin 2024 commentary desk: The U.S. government should become the predominant holder of Bitcoin globally. His comments amplify the growing discourse around the strategic positioning of Bitcoin in national reserves, aligning with sentiments from key political figures.

U.S. Bitcoin Reserve Strategy

Saylor, a staunch Bitcoin advocate, believes that the U.S. holding the majority of Bitcoin would secure a strategic advantage. He envisions the Bitcoin market cap reaching a staggering $280 trillion by 2024. Which would mean an increase in value of more than 200 times from current levels. This would set the price per Bitcoin at around $5 million. Reflecting his earlier predictions of a $100 trillion market cap.

Currently, the U.S. government possesses 208,898 BTC, primarily seized from criminal activities, valued at about $14 billion. Saylor’s proposal would require the government to acquire over 10.5 million BTC, translating to approximately $711 billion at today’s prices, to surpass the value of its gold reserves.

Economic Strategy and National Security

Aligning with independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s recent advocacy for Bitcoin parity with gold reserves, Saylor’s idea extends to backing the U.S. dollar with Bitcoin. He compares this strategic investment to historical economic moves such as the purchase of Manhattan, suggesting that Bitcoin could serve as “cyber Manhattan” in bolstering the nation’s cyber-economic stature.

“The future of the country is in cyberspace, and Bitcoin is, in essence, ‘cyber Manhattan,’” Saylor remarked. “The way you back the dollar is you buy Manhattan for a piece of paper and trinkets, and you buy it before it’s worth hundreds of trillions of dollars.”

Political Landscape and Crypto Policies

The narrative around Bitcoin has also been embraced by other political figures, including Donald Trump, who expressed support for protecting Bitcoin miners in the U.S. This contrasts with the current administration’s stringent stance on cryptocurrency firms, though Vice President Kamala Harris’s position remains largely undisclosed.

Implications of a U.S. Bitcoin Reserve

Establishing a formal U.S. Bitcoin reserve would symbolize a monumental shift in recognizing digital assets’ legitimacy. Experts like Bryan Courchesne from suggest that the current holdings could form the foundation for such a reserve, potentially altering the U.S. Treasury’s strategy from disposing of Bitcoin to retaining it long-term.

“If they move from being a random seller to being a long-term holder, that could be really good for the space,” Courchesne noted.

Michael Saylor’s advocacy for a U.S. Bitcoin reserve reflects a visionary stance on integrating digital assets into national economic strategies. If implemented, such policies could fundamentally transform the financial landscape, potentially positioning the U.S. as a leader in the global digital economy.

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