Trump’s Bitcoin Burger Buy: A Political and Crypto Crossover

Days after unveiling the decentralized finance (DeFi) platform World Liberty Financial during an interview with Rug Radio. Former U.S. President Donald Trump made headlines again. This time, it was for using Bitcoin to buy burgers at PubKey, a Bitcoin-themed bar in Manhattan, on Wednesday.

Trump’s Bitcoin Transaction

At the bar, Bitcoin enthusiasts assisted Trump with the transaction process. Which involved scanning a QR code with a smartphone. There was a brief moment of uncertainty about whether the transaction had gone through. But it was quickly confirmed by one of the helpers: “Oh, it did go through!”

A Political Statement at a Bitcoin Bar

During his visit, Trump expressed his hope that the Republican Party would secure a win in New York in the upcoming U.S. election. “It’s a great place, I just made the first transaction in Bitcoin,” Trump declared, cheered on by the crowd. He described Bitcoin enthusiasts as “crypto maniacs,” praising their fervor and encouraging them to vote in November.

“Get out and vote, because if you vote, we cannot lose,” Trump urged. “They’ve been treating you very badly at the SEC, and we’re going to treat you very fairly because you have to get out and vote.”

Cryptocurrency in U.S. Politics

On Monday, Trump issued a stark warning about the potential consequences for crypto startups if Vice President Kamala Harris wins in November. Predicting regulatory challenges from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). “If we don’t win the election, those people that were under investigation and that are free as a bird right now, and people that weren’t being looked at in the crypto world, they will be living in hell—because it will start the day after the election if they win,” Trump said.

Having launched multiple NFT collections on Ethereum’s scaling network Polygon, Trump has pivoted from a Bitcoin skeptic to a crypto champion. Attributing his change of heart to the innovations he’s seen in the cryptocurrency sector.

The Real-World Use of Bitcoin

While Bitcoin is often touted as a better store of value than a medium for everyday transactions. Trump’s public Bitcoin transaction to buy burgers was a noteworthy event. Some Crypto Twitter users mocked the practicality of using BTC for such purchases. But Trump himself was impressed by the ease of the process.

“It’s the beginning of a new era,” Trump remarked. “What they’ve done is so amazing over a short period of time, and you look at the values and the kind of numbers you’re talking about, bigger than the biggest corporations in the world put together, many of them. So it’s quite something.”

Donald Trump’s use of Bitcoin to purchase burgers at a Manhattan bar is more than just a quirky news story; it’s a significant nod to his evolving stance on cryptocurrency, interwoven with his political ambitions and statements. As cryptocurrencies continue to make their way into mainstream and political discourse, Trump’s actions underscore the growing intersection between technology and politics.

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