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MegaLab’s $20M Seed Round: A Leap Towards Real-Time Blockchain

MegaLabs, the pioneering developer firm behind the groundbreaking Ethereum scaling protocol known as MegaETH, has secured a substantial $20 million in its seed funding round. This investment round was spearheaded by Dragonfly Capital and saw contributions from a cohort of notable firms including Figment Capital, Folius Ventures, Robot Ventures, Big Brain Holding, Tangent, and Credibly Neutral.

Adding to the prestige of this round, influential figures in the crypto world such as Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum; Joseph Lubin, CEO of Consensys; Sreeram Kannan, creator of EigenLayer; and Hasu from Flashbots also participated as angel investors. This blend of institutional and individual support underscores the significant potential seen in MegaETH.

The capital influx is earmarked for the further development of the MegaETH protocol, with aspirations to launch a testnet in the coming months. MegaETH is described as a “real-time blockchain,” an innovation that promises transformative transaction processing speeds, aiming to achieve 100,000 transactions per second with millisecond-level responsiveness.

Yilong Li, co-founder of MegaLabs, in an interview with CoinDesk, outlined the protocol’s ambitious goal. “We define a real-time blockchain to be a blockchain that can process transactions as soon as they arrive,” he explained. This capability is expected to produce outputs at an unprecedented high frequency, setting a new standard for blockchain technology.

MegaETH’s scaling prowess is attributed to two main innovations: a heterogeneous blockchain architecture that enhances performance by allowing nodes with diverse hardware configurations to specialize in specific tasks, and a hyper-optimized EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) execution environment that maximizes throughput, latency, and resource efficiency.

The conceptual foundation for MegaETH was inspired by Vitalik Buterin’s 2021 blog post, “Endgame,” which discusses strategies for scaling Ethereum. Buterin himself has expressed enthusiasm for MegaETH’s approach. “Creating hyper-scalable EVM implementations is a key prerequisite for truly scaling Ethereum,” Buterin commented, signaling strong support for MegaLabs’ initiative.

This significant financial backing and the innovative technological approach position MegaETH as a potentially pivotal development in the Ethereum ecosystem, paving the way for a future where real-time transaction processing on blockchain is not just an aspiration but a reality.

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