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Hamster Kombat: A Gaming Phenomenon on Telegram

Telegram’s gaming landscape has been dramatically reshaped by Hamster Kombat, a crypto gaming sensation that recently announced it now commands a player base exceeding the population of Russia, with over 150 million players. This staggering figure marks a 50% increase from just last week, highlighting a rapid and robust growth within the gaming community.

Hamster Kombat operates as a mini-app within Telegram, requiring no additional downloads, which partly explains its explosive popularity. The game incentivizes players to expand a virtual hamster’s crypto exchange, offering real crypto rewards as a compelling lure. These rewards are poised to materialize through a token airdrop scheduled for July, providing tangible benefits to dedicated players.

The game’s integration within Telegram has made it extraordinarily accessible and has significantly contributed to its growth. The Hamster Kombat announcements channel, boasting over 35 million subscribers, is now the most popular channel on Telegram, underscoring the game’s widespread appeal.

Further amplifying its presence, Hamster Kombat’s YouTube channel has 23 million subscribers, while its Twitter feed has attracted 7.7 million followers. These numbers have seen substantial increases just within the past week, pointing to a soaring interest in the game.

This success story mirrors that of Notcoin, another Telegram-based crypto game that captivated users with its lucrative token airdrop. Notcoin’s airdrop, launched on May 16, received significant attention, propelling the token, NOT, to a market capitalization exceeding $2 billion. This success has established NOT as a formidable presence in the crypto market, currently ranking among the top 60 cryptocurrencies.

Toncoin, the native token of The Open Network (TON) — Telegram’s blockchain — has also reaped benefits from Hamster Kombat’s success. The token recently reached a new all-time high of $8.13, reflecting a 26% increase in the last two weeks, further fueled by the game’s popularity.

The success of Notcoin and Hamster Kombat has paved the way for new ventures. Recently, two additional Telegram-based games, Tapswap and Yescoin, announced their impending launches on TON, aiming to capitalize on the thriving ecosystem established by their predecessors.

Hamster Kombat not only exemplifies the potential of integrating gaming with cryptocurrency rewards within a popular messaging app but also highlights the evolving landscape where digital entertainment and digital finance intersect seamlessly.

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