China Daily Ventures into the Metaverse with an Upcoming NFT Platform

China Daily, the esteemed English-language newspaper backed by the Publicity Department of the Chinese Communist Party, is ready to leap into the digital future. In an exhilarating move, the media giant recently unveiled its ambitions to construct a metaverse intertwined with its own non-fungible token (NFT) platform.

A generous sum of 2.813 million Chinese yuan (equivalent to $390,000) has been earmarked to reward a proficient third-party contractor. This entity, be it based in China or internationally, should have expertise in blockchain and must be capable of fashioning the NFT platform as per the budgetary outlines provided by China Daily. Emphasizing flexibility, China Daily has stated that the chosen blockchain firm should host a mainnet robust enough to manage a staggering 10,000 transactions every second.

Interested contractors, eager to capitalize on this significant opportunity, have a window until October 17 to present their applications. Once selected, they will have a challenging yet rewarding three months to bring the platform to life.

Diving deep into its objectives, China Daily’s innovative NFT platform isn’t just about tech integration. The underlying goal is grander – to magnify the global influence of Chinese civilization. By leveraging an array of cutting-edge technologies, ranging from the metaverse, VR, AR, mixed reality, and blockchain to indispensable digital assets like NFTs, big data, and cloud computing, China Daily aims to carve a niche for itself in the digital realm.

Developers have emphasized that the platform should be versatile, enabling the seamless upload, display, and management of various digital collections. In ensuring the platform stays contemporary, it should support multimedia forms and diverse collection types. Other essential features include integrated pricing, auctioning capabilities, time-bound events, and the facility to accommodate multi-currency settlements.

In a note of inclusivity, China Daily has remarked, “Our ambitions aren’t just limited to our native platform. Aligned with our project’s objectives and target audience, we’ll cherry-pick both domestic and international mainstream NFT platforms that resonate with our mission to disseminate digital collections. Some of these esteemed foreign platforms include the likes of OpenSea, Rarible, SuperRare, and Foundation, among others.”

It’s worth noting that, since 2021, China has maintained a firm stance on cryptocurrency transactions, prohibiting them entirely. While a handful of blockchain-based enterprises continue their operations within the country, they do so under the watchful eyes of regulatory authorities.

China Daily’s foray into the digital universe, therefore, marks a significant chapter, signifying the unstoppable merging of tradition with technology, and a testament to the ever-evolving media landscape.

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