Web3 Flight Party Sparks Safety Concerns

A crypto-powered networking event hosted onboard a Qatar Airways flight has raised serious safety concerns after videos from the event suggested multiple violations of aviation laws, including seatbelt and smoking regulations. The event, dubbed the “first-ever web3 sky event,” took place on a 10-hour flight from Dubai to Singapore. With around 250 crypto enthusiasts participating in what was meant to be a groundbreaking PR stunt.

Organized by Web3 startup Redacted, the flight promised attendees “connections, gifts, perks, and real conversations with Web3 legends.” However, what transpired on board was far from the subdued networking event that Qatar Airways crew reportedly expected. The footage has sparked concern over the safety and legality of such events held in-flight.

Safety Violations Amid Crypto Party

Videos shared on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) show event attendees dancing in the aisles while the seatbelt sign is visibly on — a clear violation of aviation safety rules. According to Qatar Airways’ safety guidelines, passengers are required to remain seated and keep their seatbelts fastened when the seatbelt sign is on, and are even encouraged to do so when the sign is off to avoid accidents caused by unexpected turbulence.


The potential danger of ignoring these regulations was highlighted earlier this year when a Singapore Airlines flight hit severe turbulence. Tragically resulting in one fatality and injuries to over 30 passengers. Despite the evident risks, the party atmosphere on board the Web3 flight appeared to continue uninterrupted. Raising questions about the role of the Qatar Airways crew in enforcing safety protocols.

In addition to seatbelt violations, there are also concerns regarding smoking on the flight. During an onboard speech made by Redacted co-founder Shan Kumar. He hinted at witnessing smoke during the event, saying, “I saw some smoke coming out, I was like what’s happening?” While it remains unclear whether actual smoking took place. Such an incident would be a grave breach of international flight safety regulations.

Crew “Rugpulled” into Wild Event

Kumar’s speech also revealed that the Qatar Airways crew may not have been fully informed about the nature of the event they were hosting. According to Kumar, the airline staff expected a professional networking event but were unprepared for the party that ensued. He joked during his speech, “The goal, before we got in, was we wanna make sure nobody hosts a[nother] Web3 flight — we’re the first and the last.”

Kumar’s comments have only fueled the backlash against the event, which many view as irresponsible. Particularly when considering the safety of passengers and crew members aboard the flight. The event’s unorthodox approach, while successful in generating attention, has raised questions about whether such stunts should be allowed on commercial flights.

Conclusion: Questions Loom Over Web3 Flight Stunt

While the Web3 flight event succeeded in making headlines, it did so for all the wrong reasons. The footage of passengers ignoring seatbelt laws and Kumar’s references to possible smoking onboard has raised serious concerns about the safety and oversight of such events. As of now, it is unclear if Qatar Airways has responded to the violations or if further investigations will be carried out.

This “first-ever web3 sky event” may very well be the last, especially as regulatory and safety concerns mount. For now, it serves as a reminder that even in the world of innovative and disruptive tech, safety rules are not to be ignored.

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